Planning & Prevention

At 5 Point Inspection Services, factor 4 on our mind is your insured’s current maintenance programs for

the property, building mechanical systems, roof, and public protection systems. We ensure there is a plan

for landscaping, routing maintenance, roof and building system equipment, and even unit inspections.

Making sure your insureds property is always up to date on testing and inspections can reduce the

possibility of damage occurring. Another focus of prevention is the egress points of the property and are

there any slip, trip, or fall hazards present. Always ensure your insured has a plan of action. We also

ensure adequate clearance is present for all systems and mechanicals, informing the insured on the

importance if necessary. Proper education from a loss control consultant could help the insured better

understand and plan to protect their investment. Keeping your insureds property insurable is our number

1 focus.